City University of Hong Kong
Region: Eastern Asia
Country/Region: China-Hong Kong
Found Year: 1994
Address: 83 Tat Chee Avenue

Since City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) recognized as university status in 1994, it has provided high quality education to the Hong Kong community and meet the needs of our knowledge-based society. It has achieved phenomenal growth from a small institution, housed in temporary premises, to a major University with an international reputation for teaching and scholarship, enrolling students in programmes at levels ranging up through post-doctoral research. CityUHK offers professional education that prepares its students for the challenges and exciting opportunities opening up in Hong Kong, the Asia-Pacific region and throughout the world in veterinary medicine, business, science and engineering, liberal arts and social sciences, energy and environment, creative media and law. With our world-class teachers, well-developed educational programmes and wide-ranging learning experiences, we prepare our students to become well-rounded young professionals with confidence and competence. We advocate a student-centred learning educational philosophy, emphasizing the achievement of learning outcomes as the real measure of student success. CityUHK links professional education with applied research. Our research enterprise serves many objectives, including nurturing promising new areas; applying research results to support economic and social development; and informing teaching by scholarship that is conducted at the cutting edge of disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and professional fields. We strive to nurture postgraduate research training by broadening students¡¯ academic exposure and through knowledge transfer activities. We have established University Research Institutes, State Key Laboratories, Research Centres, and Applied Strategic Development Centres to foster interdisciplinary research. We also collaborate closely with industry, producing direct benefits for society in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland. CityUHK has become an international University with links to many high-quality institutions on the mainland and overseas. The University has embraced the philosophy of a broad student mix. We encourage student and staff interactions to create a multi-cultural environment on campus, to enhance students¡¯ exposure to other cultures, and to stimulate out-of-the-box thinking. Through the exchange of faculty and students with mainland and overseas institutions, we form cultural bridges throughout the world and our students develop global perspectives. CityUHK offers state-of-the-art learning, teaching and research facilities in a high-technology environment to create an ambiance that encourages intellectual curiosity, social interaction, self expression and mutual support.

Academic Ranking of World Universities
Academic Ranking of World Universities
The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) is recognized as the precursor of global university rankings and the most trustworthy one. ARWU presents the world's top 1000 research universities annually based on transparent methodology and objective third-party data.
Global Ranking of Academic Subjects
Best Ranked Subjects
Subject Rank
Library & Information Science
Public Administration
Energy Science & Engineering
Automation & Control
Metallurgical Engineering
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
Computer Science & Engineering
Materials Science & Engineering
Key Statistics
Total Enrollment
International Students
Undergraduate Enrollment
International Students
Graduate Enrollment
International Students
Undergraduate Programs
Bachelor of Business Administration in Accountancy
Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Decision Analytics
Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Economics
Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance
Bachelor of Business Administration in Global Business
Bachelor of Business Administration in Global Business Systems Management
Bachelor of Business Administration in Global Operations Management
Bachelor of Business Administration in Information Management
Bachelor of Business Administration in Management
Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing
Bachelor of Science in Computational Finance and Financial Technology
Bachelor of Engineering in Aerospace Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering in Architectural Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer and Data Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering in Information Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering in Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering in Materials Science and Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering in Microelectronics Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering in Nuclear and Risk Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Bachelor of Science in Computational Finance and Financial Technology
Bachelor of Science in Architecture and Surveying
Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and History
Bachelor of Arts in Digital Television and Broadcasting
Bachelor of Arts in English
Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Language Applications
Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communication
Bachelor of Social Sciences in Criminology and Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Social Sciences in Criminology and Sociology
Bachelor of Social Sciences in International Relations and Global Affairs
Bachelor of Social Sciences in Psychology
Bachelor of Social Sciences in Public Policy and Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Social Sciences in Public Affairs and Management
Bachelor of Social Sciences in Social Work
Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Science in Computing Mathematics
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
Bachelor of Science in Computing Mathematics
Bachelor of Science in Physics
Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences
Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine
Bachelor of Arts and Science in New Media
Bachelor of Arts in Creative Media
Bachelor of Science in Creative Media
Bachelor of Science in Data and Systems Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Data Science
Bachelor of Engineering in Energy Science and Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering in Environmental Science and Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering in Environmental Science and Engineering and Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance
Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Business Administration in Accountancy
Graduate Programs
Master of Arts in Global Business Management
Master of Arts in International Accounting
Master of Science in Accounting and Finance with AI and Fintech Applications (Taught in Chinese)
Master of Science in Applied Economics
Master of Science in Business and Data Analytics
Master of Science in Business Information Systems (Financial and Intelligent Technology Stream)
Master of Science in Business Information Systems (Management Information Systems Stream)
Master of Science in Digital Transformation and Technological Innovation
Master of Science in Finance
Master of Science in Financial Engineering
Master of Science in Marketing
Master of Science in Operations and Supply Chain Management
Master of Science in Professional Accounting and Corporate Governance
MPhil (Business)
Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering
Master of Science in Civil and Architectural Engineering
Master of Science in Computer Science
Master of Science in Construction Management
Master of Science in Electronic Commerce
Master of Science in Electronic Information Engineering
Master of Science in Engineering Management
Master of Science in Intelligent Semiconductor Manufacturing
Master of Science in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Master of Science in Multimedia Information Technology
Master of Urban Design and Regional Planning
MPhil (Engineering)
MSc Medical Physics
Master of Arts in Applied Social Sciences
Master of Arts in Chinese
Master of Arts in Communication and New Media
Master of Arts in English Studies
Master of Arts in Housing and Urban Management
Master of Arts in Integrated Marketing Communication
Master of Arts in International Studies
Master of Arts in Language Studies
Master of Arts in Public Policy and Management
Master of Social Sciences in Counselling
Master of Social Sciences in Development Studies
Master of Social Sciences in Psychology
Master of Social Work
MPhil (Liberal Arts and Social Sciences)
Master of Science in Applied Physics
Master of Science in Biostatistics
Master of Science in Chemistry
Master of Science in Financial Mathematics and Statistics
MPhil (Science)
Master of Science in Health Sciences and Management
Master of Science in Public Health and Epidemiology
MPhil (Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences)
MSc Neuroscience
Master of Arts in Creative Media
Master of Fine Arts in Creative Media
MPhil (Creative Media)
Master of Science in Data Science
MPhil (Data Science)
Master of Science in Energy and Environment
MPhil (Energy and Environment)
Juris Doctor (Full-time)
Master of Laws
Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution
MPhil (Law)
Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (Full-time)
Executive Master of Business Administration
Executive Master of Business Administration (Taught in Chinese)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Doctor of Business Administration
Doctor of Business Administration (International)
PhD (Accountancy)
PhD (Economics and Finance)
PhD (Information Systems)
PhD (Management)
PhD (Management Sciences)
PhD (Marketing)
Engineering Doctorate (Engineering Management)
PhD (Advanced Design and Systems Engineering)
PhD (Architecture and Civil Engineering)
PhD (Biomedical Engineering)
PhD (Computer Science)
PhD (Electrical Engineering)
PhD (Materials Science and Engineering)
PhD (Mechanical Engineering)
PhD (Chinese and History)
PhD (English)
PhD (Linguistics and Translation)
PhD (Media and Communication)
PhD (Public and International Affairs)
PhD (Social and Behavioural Sciences)
PhD (Biostatistics)
PhD (Chemistry)
PhD (Mathematics)
PhD (Physics)
PhD (Biomedical Sciences)
PhD (Infectious Diseases and Public Health)
PhD (Neuroscience)
PhD (Veterinary Clinical Sciences)
PhD (Creative Media)
PhD (Data Science)
PhD (Energy and Environment)
Doctor of Juridical Science (Chinese Judges)
PhD (Law)