Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) is a national key university directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education of P. R. China, and is among the first Universities joining the national ¡°211 Project¡± and ¡°985 Project¡±. It was founded on May 26, 2000 as a result of the merger of the former Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Tongji Medical University and Wuhan Urban Construction Institute. At present, the University has eleven disciplines: engineering, medicine, management, science, philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, agriculture and art, offering a variety of degree programs, including 94 undergraduate programs, 291 graduate programs, 238 PhD programs. There are 32 post-doctoral research centers, 7 national key disciplines, 15 national key subdisciplines. 9 disciplines of HUST have reached top 1% of ESI, showing the increasing strength of international academic influence. Meanwhile, in the latest evaluation of the disciplines, mechanical engineering, optical engineering and public health and preventive medicine rank top one, electrical engineering top two, bio-medical engineering top three, journalism, power engineering and thermal physics and public administration top three. Another nine disciplines are ranked top ten inChina. HUST covers an area of over 1,153 acres with picturesque environment, elegant surroundings and has 72% greenery coverage, which has been honored as the ¡°University in the Forest¡±. It offers its students and staff first-class logistic service, efficient network service and abundant library resources. HUST has also entered into partnerships with more than 100 renowned universities and research institutions. Annually over 100 famous scholars and experts come to visit HUST and give lectures. During the construction of ¡°211 Project¡± and ¡°985 Project¡±, HUST has broken traditional discipline boundaries, integrated multi-disciplinary resources, played an active role in developing the national innovation system, built the high level and cross-disciplinary scientific innovation platform, and the innovation base of philosophy and social science. Nowadays, the Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, supported by HUST, is now under full construction. Meanwhile, the pulsed high magnetic field facility, which is a major science and technology infrastructure project, has been approved. Besides, the University has five national key laboratories, two national specialized laboratories, one key national defense laboratory, one national engineering laboratory, thirty-seven provincial key laboratories, three key laboratories of the Ministry of Education (Level B), six national engineering(technology) research centers, eight provincial(technology) research centers, three cooperative research centers of the Ministry of Education and four provincial humanities and social science research bases. Focusing on combining learning and research with manufacturing and considering technology innovation and promotion as its task, HUST has established a group of advanced science and technology enterprises with ¡°HUAGONG TECH CO., LTD¡± as a gleaming example. The University Science Park becomes the national ¡°863¡± industrialization base, and the University science and technology enterprise incubator is honored as the ¡°National Hi-Tech Innovation Service Center¡±. The ¡°four step jump¡± pattern for science and technology incubation and industrialization has won acclaim from other universities across the country. National leaders, such as Hu Jintao, Li Changchun, spoke highly of the university¡¯s achievements in hi-tech industry during their visit to HUST. Although the HUST did make a great progress in the past, it will keep on stepping forward with full vigor and vitality, aiming to gain its name as a world class university and create a brilliant future.
Subject | Rank |
Instruments Science & Technology | 6 |
Energy Science & Engineering | 6 |
Chemical Engineering | 10 |
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology | 12 |
Electrical & Electronic Engineering | 14 |
Metallurgical Engineering | 17 |
Mechanical Engineering | 19 |
Marine/Ocean Engineering | 21 |
Undergraduate Programs |
Accounting (Cpa) |
Advertising |
Applied Chemistry |
Applied Physics |
Architecture |
Art and Design |
Automation |
Bio-It |
Biological Sciences (National Science Training Base) |
Biomedical Engineering |
Biopharmaceutical |
Biotechnology |
Broadcasting and Hosting Art |
Building Environment and Equipment Engineering |
Business Administration |
Chemical Engineering and Technology |
Chinese As A Foreign Language |
Chinese Herbal Medicine |
Chinese Language and Literature |
City Planning |
Civil Engineering |
Clinical Medicine |
Communication (Network Transmission) |
Communication Engineering |
Computer Science and Technology |
Control Technology and Instrument |
Control Technology and Instrument (Precision Instruments) |
Digital Media Technology |
Economics (Experimental Ban) |
Electrical Engineering and Automation |
Electronic and Information Engineering |
Electronic Packaging Technology |
Electronic Science and Technology |
Energy and Power Engineering |
Engineering Management |
Engineering Mechanics |
English |
Environmental Engineering |
Finance |
Finance (Taxation) |
Financial Engineering |
Financial Management |
Forensic |
Functional Materials |
German |
Industrial Design |
Industrial Engineering |
Information and Computing Science |
Information Management and Information System |
Information Management and Information System (Medical Information) |
Information Security |
Integrated Circuit Design and Integrated System |
International Business (English Second Degree) |
International Economy and Trade |
Internet of Things Engineering |
Japanese Language |
Journalism |
Landscape Architecture |
Law |
Life Sciences and Technology Base Classes (Bio-It) |
Life Sciences and Technology Base Classes (Bio-Pharmacy) |
Logistics Management |
Logistics Management (Logistics System Engineering) |
Management of Public Utilities |
Marine Engineering |
Marketing |
Material Forming and Control Engineering |
Materials Science and Engineering |
Mathematics and Applied Mathematics |
Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation |
Medical Imaging |
Medical Laboratory |
Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering |
New Energy Science and Engineering |
Nuclear Engineering and Nuclear Technology |
Nursing |
Nursing (English Classes) |
Optical Engineering |
Optical Information Science and Technology |
Optoelectronic Materials and Devices |
Optoelectronic Materials and Devices (Materials Chemistry |
Oral Medicine |
Pharmacy |
Philosophy |
Physics |
Political Science and Public Administration |
Preventive Medicine |
Public Administration (Health Management) |
Radio and Television Journalism |
Roads and Bridges To Cross The River Engineering |
Social Work |
Sociology |
Software Engineering |
Statistics |
The Statistically (Economic) |
To Clinical Medicine (The Shuobo Is Through Culture) |
Traffic Engineering |
Translation |
Transportation |
Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering |
Water Supply and Drainage Science and Engineering |
Western Clinical Medicine |
Graduate Programs |
Accounting |
Administration |
Advertising and Public Relations |
Analytical Chemistry |
Ancient Chinese Literature |
Anesthesiology |
Anesthesiology |
Anesthesiology |
Anesthesiology |
Anthropology |
Applied Chemistry |
Applied Computer Technology |
Applied Mathematics |
Applied Psychology |
Architecture |
Architecture and Civil Engineering |
Architecture and Civil Engineering |
Art and Design |
Asset Evaluation |
Atomic and Molecular Physics |
Audit Master |
Basic Mathematics |
Bio-It |
Bio-It |
Bio-Pharmaceutical Engineering |
Biochemical Engineering |
Biochemical Engineering |
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
Biological Engineering |
Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering |
Biomedical Engineering |
Biomedical Engineering |
Biomedical Engineering |
Biomedical Photonics |
Biophysics |
Botany |
Bridge and Tunnel Engineering |
Business Management |
Carrier Engineering |
Cell Biology |
Chemical Engineering |
Chemical Engineering |
Chemical Process Equipment |
Chemical Processes |
Children Less Health and Maternal |
Chinese Herbal Medicine |
Chinese Herbal Medicine |
Chinese Herbal Medicine |
Chinese Master of International Education |
Chinese Modern and Contemporary History |
Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature |
Chinese Philology |
Chinese Philosophy |
Circuits and Systems |
Civil and Commercial Law |
Clinical Immunology |
Clinical Immunology |
Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics |
Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics |
Clinical Stomatology |
Clinical Stomatology |
Communication |
Communication and Information Systems |
Comparative Literature and World Literature |
Computational Mathematics |
Computer Software and Theory |
Computer System Architecture |
Computer Technology |
Condensed Matter Physics |
Control Engineering |
Control Engineering |
Control Theory and Control Engineering |
Crop Genetics and Breeding |
Curriculum and Pedagogy |
Dermatology and Venereology |
Dermatology and Venereology |
Dermatology and Venereology |
Dermatology and Venereology |
Design |
Design |
Design and Manufacture of Ships and Marine Structures |
Detection Technology and Automation Devices |
Developmental and Educational Psychology |
Developmental and Educational Psychology |
Digitized Material Forming |
Disaster Prevention and Reduction Engineering and Protective Engineering |
E-Government |
Ecology |
Ecology |
Economic Law |
Economic Law |
Education Management |
Educational Economy and Management |
Electrical Engineering |
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
Emergency Medicine |
Emergency Medicine |
Emergency Medicine |
Emergency Medicine |
Emergency Medicine |
Emergency Medicine |
Engineering Management |
Engineering Mechanics |
Engineering Simulation Software Technology |
Engineering Thermal Physics |
English Interpretation |
English Language and Literature |
English Translation |
Environment and Natural Resources Protection Law |
Environmental Engineering |
Environmental Engineering |
Environmental Science |
Epidemiology and Health Statistics |
Ethics |
Field and Microwave Technology |
Finance |
Finance |
Finance |
Fluid Machinery and Engineering |
Food and Drug Safety, and Management |
Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics |
Foreign Philosophy |
Forensic |
Genetics |
Genetics |
Geotechnical Engineering |
Geriatrics |
Geriatrics |
Geriatrics |
Geriatrics |
Geriatrics |
Geriatrics |
German Language and Literature |
Health Inspection and Quarantine |
Hearing and Speech Pathology |
Heating, Gas Supply, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Engineering |
Higher Education |
History of China |
Human Anatomy and Embryology |
Humane Sociology of Sports |
Hydrology and Water Resources |
Hydromechanics |
Hygienic Toxicology |
Ideological and Political Education |
Imaging and Nuclear Medicine |
Imaging and Nuclear Medicine |
Imaging and Nuclear Medicine |
Imaging and Nuclear Medicine |
Imaging and Nuclear Medicine |
Imaging and Nuclear Medicine |
Immunology |
Immunology |
Industrial Catalysis |
Industrial Economics |
Industrial Engineering |
Industrial Engineering |
Industrial Engineering |
Information Science |
Information Security |
Information Security |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Instrumentation Engineering |
Integrated Circuit Engineering |
Integrative Foundation |
Integrative Foundation |
Integrative Pharmacology |
Integrative Pharmacology |
Intellectual Property Management |
Internal Medicine |
Internal Medicine |
Internal Medicine |
Internal Medicine |
Internal Medicine |
Internal Medicine |
International Business |
International Trade |
Japanese Language and Literature |
Journalism |
Labor Economics |
Land Resource Management |
Legal Theory |
Linguistics and Applied Linguistics |
Literature and Art |
Logistics Engineering |
Management Science and Engineering |
Management Science and Engineering |
Marine Engineering |
Marxism In China |
Marxist Philosophy |
Marxist Philosophy |
Marxist Study Overseas |
Master of Accounting |
Master of Applied Statistics |
Master of Architecture |
Master of Business Administration |
Master of Engineering Management |
Master of Engineering Management |
Master of Journalism and Communication |
Master of Landscape Architecture |
Master of Laws (Illegal School) |
Master of Laws (Law) |
Master of Oral Medicine |
Master of Public Administration |
Master of Public Health |
Master of Science In Nursing |
Master of Science In Nursing |
Master of Science In Nursing |
Master of Social Work |
Materials Engineering |
Materials Physics and Chemistry |
Materials Physics and Chemistry |
Materials Processing Engineering |
Materials Science |
Measurement Techniques and Instrumentation |
Mechanical and Electronic Engineering |
Mechanical Design and Theory |
Mechanical Engineering |
Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation |
Medicinal Chemistry |
Microbiology |
Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics |
Municipal Engineering |
Nanoscale Science and Technology |
Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering |
Navigation, Guidance and Control |
Neurobiology |
Neurology |
Neurology |
Neurology |
Neurology |
Neurology |
Neurology |
Nursing |
Nursing |
Nursing |
Nursing |
Nutrition and Food Hygiene |
Obstetrics and Gynecology |
Obstetrics and Gynecology |
Obstetrics and Gynecology |
Obstetrics and Gynecology |
Obstetrics and Gynecology |
Occupational and Environmental Health |
Oncology |
Oncology |
Oncology |
Oncology |
Operational Research and Cybernetics |
Ophthalmology |
Ophthalmology |
Ophthalmology |
Ophthalmology |
Optical Engineering |
Optical Engineering |
Optical Engineering |
Optics |
Organic Chemistry |
Otorhinolaryngology |
Otorhinolaryngology |
Otorhinolaryngology |
Otorhinolaryngology |
Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics |
Pathogen Biology |
Pathogen Biology |
Pathology and Pathophysiology |
Pathology and Pathophysiology |
Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems |
Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems |
Pediatrics |
Pediatrics |
Pediatrics |
Pediatrics |
Pharmaceutical Analysis |
Pharmaceutical Analysis |
Pharmaceutical Engineering |
Pharmaceutical Engineering |
Pharmacognosy |
Pharmacology |
Pharmacology |
Pharmacy |
Pharmacy |
Pharmacy |
Philosophy of Science and Technology |
Philosophy of Science and Technology |
Physical Chemistry |
Physical Education and Training |
Physical Electronics |
Physiology |
Plasma Physics |
Political Economy |
Polymer Chemistry and Physics |
Population, Resources and Environmental Economics |
Power Engineering |
Power Machinery and Engineering |
Precision Instrument and Machinery |
Precision Measurement Physics |
Principles of Education |
Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics |
Project Management |
Project Management |
Psychiatry and Mental Hygiene |
Public Safety Warning and Emergency Management |
Published Master |
Quantitative Economics |
Radio and Television Communication |
Radio Physics |
Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering |
Regional Economics |
Rehabilitation Medicine & Physical Therapy |
Rehabilitation Medicine & Physical Therapy |
Rehabilitation Medicine & Physical Therapy |
Religious Studies |
Road and Railway Engineering |
Semiconductor System-On-A-Chip Technology |
Signal and Information Processing |
Social Medicine and Health Management |
Social Medicine and Health Management |
Social Medicine and Health Management |
Social Security |
Sociology |
Software Engineering |
Software Engineering |
Solid Mechanics |
Spatial Information Science and Technology |
Spatial Information Science and Technology |
Statistics |
Structural Engineering |
Surgery |
Surgery |
Surgery |
Surgery |
Surgery |
Surgery |
System Information Technology |
Systems Analysis and Integration |
Systems Analysis and Integration |
Systems Engineering |
Technology Economy and Management |
The Basic Principles of Marxism |
The Disciplines Teaching (English) |
The History of The Development of Marxism |
Theoretical Physics |
Thermal Power Engineering |
Traditional Chinese Medicine |
Traditional Chinese Medicine |
Traditional Chinese Medicine |
Traffic Information Engineering and Control |
Transportation Engineering |
Transportation Planning and Management |
Tropical Medicine |
Underwater Engineering |
Urban and Rural Planning School |
Vehicle Engineering |
Vehicle Engineering |
Water Conservancy |
Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering |
Western Economics |
World Economy |