University of Bremen
Region: Western Europe
Country/Region: Germany
Found Year: 1971
Address: Bibliothekstra?e 1

Top-performing, diverse, reform-minded, and singularly cooperative ¨C that about sums up the University of Bremen. Around 23,000 people learn, teach, research, and work on its international campus. Their shared goal is to contribute to the advancement of society. With well over 100 degree programs, the range of subjects offered by the university is broad. As one of Europe¡¯s leading research universities, it maintains close cooperation with universities and research institutes worldwide. The University of Bremen, together with seven partner institutions, will create a European university in the coming years. The EU Commission is funding the YUFE ¨C Young Universities for the Future of Europe ¨C network. Furthermore, the university is part of the regional U Bremen Research Alliance. The university¡¯s competence and dynamism have attracted numerous companies to settle in the technology park surrounding the campus. This has created an important national location for innovation - with the University of Bremen at its heart.

Academic Ranking of World Universities
Academic Ranking of World Universities
The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) is recognized as the precursor of global university rankings and the most trustworthy one. ARWU presents the world's top 1000 research universities annually based on transparent methodology and objective third-party data.
Global Ranking of Academic Subjects
Best Ranked Subjects
Subject Rank
Earth Sciences
Atmospheric Science
Public Administration
Political Sciences
Key Statistics
Total Enrollment
International Students
Undergraduate Enrollment
International Students
Graduate Enrollment
International Students
Undergraduate Programs
Applied Mathematics, Diploma (Advanced Students Only)
Art Science / Art Education, Bachelor'S Degree (Advanced Students Only)
Art-Media-Aesthetic Education, Bachelor
Biology, Bachelor
Business Administration, Bachelor
Chemistry, Bachelor
Comparative And European Law, Ba (Co-Op University Ol)
Computer Science, Bachelor
Cultural Studies, Bachelor
Digital Media, Ba (In Cooperation With The Arts Bremen)
Dutch Studies, Bachelor (University Koop Ol) (Advanced Students Only)
Earth Science, Bachelor
Economics, Bachelor
Economics, Bachelor'S Degree (Advanced Students Only)
Electrical Engineering / Information Technology, Bachelor
Elementary Mathematics, Bachelor
English-Speaking Cultures / Englisch , Bachelor
French Romance Languages ??/ French, Ba
Gender Studies, Bachelor (Advanced Students Only)
General Studies - Interdisciplinary See Tangible Educational / Social Studies,
Geography, Bachelor
German Law On Foreigners, Legum Magister
German Studies / German, Ba
Hispanic / Spanish, Ba
History, Bachelor
In Combination With The Magisterium Of Grund-/Sekundarschulen, Master Of Education
Inclusive Education - Special Education Teacher
Industrial Engineering, Bachelor
Industrial Mathematics, Bachelor
Integrated European Studies, Bachelor
Interdisciplinary Subject Education / General Studies, Bachelor
Italian Studies, Bachelor (Advanced Students Only)
Law, Ba
Linguistics / Language Sciences, Bachelor
Manufacturing Engineering - Mechanical & Process Engineering, Bachelor
Material Culture: Textiles, Ba (Co-Op University Ol) (Advanced Students Only)
Mathematics, Bachelor
Music Education, Bachelor
Musicology, Ba
New For Winter Term! Communication And Media Studies, Bachelor
New For Winter Term! Education And Educational Sciences, Bachelor
New For Winter Term! Inclusive Education, Bachelor
Nursing Science, Bachelor
Philosophy, Bachelor
Physics, Bachelor
Political Science, Bachelor
Professional Technical Studies (Gtw), Bachelor (Fb 1 + 4) (Advanced Students Only)
Psychology, Bachelor
Public Health / Health Sciences, Bachelor
Religious Studies / Religious Education, Bachelor
Russian / Slavic Studies, Bachelor (University Koop Ol) (Advanced Students Only)
Sociology, Bachelor
Specialised Education (Elementary, Primary And Secondary Education), Ba (Advanced Students Only)
Sport Science / Sport And Exercise Culture, Bachelor'S Degree (Advanced Students Only)
Sport Science, Bachelor
Systems Engineering, Bachelor
Graduate Programs
Arts And Cultural Education, Master
Biochemistry And Molecular Biology, Master
Business Administration, Master
Clinical Psychology, Master
Communication And Information Technology, Master
Comparative And European Law, Legum Magister (Koop University Ol)
Complex Decisions (Professional Public Decision Making), Master
Computational Materials Science, Master
Computer Science, Master
Digital Media, Masters (In Cooperation With The Arts Bremen)
Early Childhood Education, Master (This Course Starts But Not For Winter Term 2011/12, Please Find Out About The Range Of Courses 2012/13 To Date In The Next Year)
Earth Sciences, Master
Ecology, Master
Economic Psychology, Master
Education, Master
Environmental Physics, Master
European And International Law, Legum Magister
German Law On Foreigners, Legum Magister
Germanic, Mastercard
History, Master
In Combination With The Magisterium Of Grund-/Sekundarschulen, Master Of Education
Inclusive Education - Special Education Teacher
Industrial Engineering, Master
Information And Automation Engineering, Master
International Relations:Global Governance And Social Theory, Master (Koop Jacobs University)
International Studies In Aquatic Tropical Ecology, Master
Italian Studies, Bachelor (Advanced Students Only)
Language Sciences, Master
Leadership And Organisational Development, Master
Manufacturing Engineering, Master
Marine Biology, Master
Marine Geosciences, Master
Marine Microbiology, Master
Media Culture, Mastercard
Medical Biometry / Biostatistics, Master
Modern Global History, Master (Koop Jacobs University)
Neurosciences, Master
New For Winter Term! Applied Mathematics, Master
New For Winter Term! Chemistry, Master
New For Winter Term! Education And Educational Sciences, Bachelor
New For Winter Term! Mathematics, Master
Physics, Bachelor
Physics, Master
Political Science, Bachelor
Political Science, Master
Public Health / Nursing Science, Master
Scientific Material Mineralogy, Chemistry And Physics, Mastercard
Slavic Studies, Master (University Koop Ol)
Social Policy, Master
Sociology And Social Research, Master
Special Education Inclusive Education - Teacher Special Education, Master
Systems Engineering, Master
Teachers At Vocational Schools - Gtw, Master Of Education
Teaching At Primary And Secondary Schools (Comprehensive Schools) Focus Primary Schools, Master Of Education
Teaching At Primary And Secondary Schools (Comprehensive Schools), Secondary Emphasis, Master Of Education
Teaching At Secondary Schools / Community Colleges, Master Of Education
Transcultural Studies, Master
Transnational Literary Studies: Literature - Theatre - Film Master
Urban And Regional Development, Master
Vocational Education Nursing Science, Master